Saturday, March 22, 2008

white rim!

so i just got back from the white rim trail in moab. that was the best time i've had since i kayaked in alaska last year. i really do have sores on my bum from the stupid seat and 100ish miles of riding on non-soft trails... thanks maria for lending me your bike (with no granny gear!!! have you ever tried biking up steep things without granny gear? it's fun... i HIGHLY recommend it) and thanks dad for lending your truck. i couldn't have done this without either of them!

the views were absolutely amazing. the personal battle was an unexpected challenge... seeing everyone in the group walk their bikes up certain hills (granted, i walked up hogback and hard scrabble) and me making it up all the way (without granny gear... just to remind you). the most scared i've ever been in my entire life (and i've done some crazy shit in my life) was riding down hogback, and then again coming down hard scrabble. i was pissed at myself for being so scared, but i rode the entire way! didn't walk on the switchbacks out of the canyon, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. the worst pain was getting back on the bike after lunch the second day, but after a half an hour and lots of screaming the butt goest numb again.

there is something truly majestic about being able to do things you love in beautiful places. i didn't know i loved biking so much!! i am most at peace when i am outside with good friends and beautiful surroundings... then again, who wouldn't be?


Maria Hart said...

Moab fills the soul. John HAS to go at least once a year, he becomes unbearable if he doesn't go! I am glad you had such a good time. John and I are looking forward to a family adventure there... the kids have to grow up a little!

clark said...

Clarky miss Moab. Clarky want bikey on sandstone. Sniff, sniff, boo hoo. I am very jealous of your awesome adventure.