Monday, July 21, 2008


first tournament of the season!! this past weekend... it was great... the fields were on this soccer complex and they were SO nice!! it was like landing on... well... soft grass as opposed to the dirt piles and turf-ish stuff we practice on in salt lake... the first time i laid-out i popped right back up without the usual *THUD* *grumble* "OW! is anything broken? no... ok, i'll get back up... i guess..." seriously, these fields were amazing!
the two favorite plays of mine (i'm bragging... fyi):
1- it was our 3rd (out of 4) game on saturday, we were playing the number one seed of the entire tournament (out of 32 teams, we went in number 8) and they were beating us, it was 8-5, and they had gone on a 5 point streak (meaning we hadn't scored any and they had scored 5 in a row)... i was getting frustrated because a couple of our men were looking off really open women (it happens in co-ed, but this was getting even me annoyed)... so i voiced my concerns to another woman and we both stepped on the field after they (Liverpunch) scored. she called the play and said we BETTER stick to it. she shagged the disc (meaning she caught the pull) tossed it to another handler who then tossed it to trevor (one of the guys who throws really far, but had been looking off some women) all the while, i'm busting deep, and not completely roasting my girl... yet... anyway, so as i'm busting long, apparantly trevor was about to look me off, again, when the girl i voiced my concerns to yelled to him "YOU BETTER HIT THAT!!!" so he puts it up long... very long... more than half field... probably 2/3 the field length and that's when i downshift and leave my girl in the dust.... there's no better feeling than hearing your defender swear at you when they know they're screwed! so anyway, it was an amazing put, right in the back of the endzone, i had to full-on lay-out to catch it... it was AMAZING!!! the girl that was guarding me had barely made it to the front of the endzone by the time i caught the disc and half my team had run out to the field! needless to say, we lost that game, but it was nice to break the one seed's 6 point run AND completely ROAST someone who thought she could keep up!
2- sunday, our last game against bad larry, a regional's level team. the points had been back and forth much of the game. it was 12-13 them, the horn had blown so it was hard cap to 15. (games are normally to 15 win by 2, but if a game is taking too long, a horn blows and you add 2 points to the highest score after that point and you play to that score no matter what... we had them at 12-12, but then they scored and it was 12-13, game to 15) oh, plus it was windy. we never play in the wind. we suck in the wind. so anyway, it was an offense point (i normally play defense points, but i decided to step in on the downwind point). they pulled to us and we work the disc downfield about halfway, and turn it over. turning it over on a downwind point is not good because it psyches the other team up. our morale is down, theirs is up. so the girl that was guarding me starting cutting out, then back in for the disc and her team threw it to her (about 10 yards outside of their endzone), again, i downshift and full-on lay-out and knock the disc out of her reach... again, there's no better feeling than hearing the other team yell "GO TO!!" and hearing your team yell "SARAH SARAH SARAH!" it's such a rush! so i pop right back up after shutting her down, and bust long. she's about half a mile behind me so the last guy picks me up which leaves a man on our team wide open so he and the handles can advance the disc up field. we scored that point! we then scored the up-wind point, then the downwind again to win the game.
so overall, we went in 8th place out of 32, ended up 5th place... seeing as how this was our try-out tournament, we did pretty dang awesome. i dislocated my shoulder again, but after not playing one game, i had had enough of just watching, so i took some vitamin i, threw around alot, screamed some, sucked it up and got that lay-out d against bad larry at a crucial point in the game! i love frisbee!!!!!


The Manwaring Family said...

SARAH!!! Hey you!! I just saw your blog on Tonya's! I haven't seen you in seems like almost forever, but my mom said she sees you once it a while!! Looks like life it treating you great and you lead a fun and busy life!!! Keep in touch!! :) Kaylin (Murdock) Manwaring

The Manwaring Family said...

I had totally forgotten about "kaylin's got friends in low places where the rootbeer flows..." TOO FUNNY!!! Don't forget the "Merry Misses are the best in the west" rap we made up. My parents have us on video singing and dancing on the trundle bed. What fun times!

The Manwaring Family said...

You better believe we crimped our hair!!! We looked AMAZING! :) I will get a copy to you and look and see if I find anything else entertaining on the videos while I'm at it! (knowing me I will get to it, but it may be a Christmas present!)

Sam said...

It's like that huh, you found someone new to cut deep for. I bet he has never iso'd you as Jugs though...