Wednesday, November 26, 2008

thank goodness for thanksgiving!!

what other holiday is greater? seriously? i get to eat ALL day long! (i know... i do that anyway... but this day makes me look less strange...)

i have to work a 15h tomorrow on thanksgiving which means i go in at 1500 and stay for 8 hours. i get holiday pay. the hospital is feeding all employees thanksgiving dinner and i still get my mom's thanksgiving dinner (ultimately MUCH more important) on saturday when i go home. ooh. plus i get holiday pay for tomorrow. not too shabby!

tonight, i'm not feeling all too well (sore throat... pity me) but i've invited myself to my friend's house where i mentioned the fact that i'll be staying the night because i don't want to be alone on thanksgiving eve! so i'm off to a slumber party (really, i'm sure i'll crash in about an hour...) then i'll be having breakfast and lunch at my friend's house then off to work, then back home for a quick bite of sleep then back to work on friday then drive home to idaho!! yay devilled eggs!!!


Cecily said...

I love deviled eggs!! Yum! I also love holiday pay.

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

So, I need to comment more on your blog. You sound BUSY! Also, if Chelsea - and any other family members read this - invite us to your blog: