Monday, August 4, 2008

Angie's eyes

angie is my neice. i was there when she was born 8 whole years ago! holy crap!! i got the day off of work so i could go to idaho to watch her baptism. my mom made her dress. it was absolutely adorable! in all honesty though, i only drove up to idaho falls for the chocolate milk and waffles... seeing my family was just a perk... i love going home!! i was sent home with leftover luncheon food and wonderful photos on my camera from angie's eyes...
after the luncheon i drove back to salt lake to make it to my friend's wedding reception. i can't think of two people more made for each other! it was a busy day, but i was fed and got my chocolate milk!!


Kellie said...

I can't believe Angie is 8. She was so little when I met her. I wanted to let you know that I work Friday so I won't be able to come repelling. Doing anything this weekend? I could climb Saturday morning.

Love Our House said...

I love the picture of you one the swing! That just epitomizes the fun of summer. It just looks like a blast. Cute cute cute! Brit :o)